Friday, 30 November 2012

The Owl Service

This week we scanned book covers  for The Blackden Trust website, where the Trust is planning to sell books online.  Among the books on sale will be one of our childhood favourites: The Owl Service.

Here's the beautiful dish that inspired the book - the real Owl Service. The decoration round the edge seems to be floral, though some people clearly see owls' eyes staring up at them.

So what happens if you put the "owl" motifs together?

A complete owl, with wings and a body.

More next week,
Bethan and Phil

Wednesday, 14 November 2012

A Mysterious Day

Arriving for our work experience at The Blackden Trust for the first time, we were greeted by a sneaky looking fox and a mysterious pile of feathers. Great fun for the cats, but not for the hens.

We're two local sixth form students. We're going to be here until the summer, helping out at the Trust and keeping the blog up to date with weekly snippets of Blackden goings-on.

The doorbell's ringing. Who could it be?

There's nobody there...

It's definitely a mysterious day.

Till next time, Bethan and Phil